Friday, October 8, 2010

Today was one of those days when having two kids 25 months apart was really really hard. Someone was crying, whining or upset from the moment we all woke up until everyone went down for a nap. We had a beautiful October, but most of my attempts to enjoy it were futile. We redeemed it a bit this afternoon and went to the park, which was a much better experience. Here are few photos after everyone was fed and a bit more content. Eli is really smiling and his whole face lights up when you talk to him. He has started to do the whole body wiggle when he gets excited and I think is right on the cusp of laughing. He makes all kinds of sounds to "talk" to you and really loves any attention his big brother will give him. Rowan can't wait for Eli to be able to play. The other day Rowan was playing basketball and every time he made a shot he would run over and give Eli a high five. I hope Rowan still likes him when Eli is crawling after his toys.

Rowan showing me that he could smile too.
back to business of eating lunch.
Eli looking at himself in the mirror and smiling and talking to the baby.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can't wait for you guys to get internet connection so we can skype and see these smiles live!