Friday, July 17, 2009

On the move

So it took Rowan 13.5 months to figure out how to crawl, but watch he is on the move. My dad came over today to help us finish up the baby proofing, and I am sure I will discover 700 other things that need to be picked up or put away. If these pictures had sound you would hear a lot of huffing and puffing and a bit of grunting as he worked really hard to get to me and the camera in my hands.

Working so hard his tongue is hanging out

So happy to finally get close...I kept moving to make it harder for him
So sad...looking at the cabinet longingly since it is now baby proofed and can't be flung open.


Unknown said...

Hahaha, that last picture and caption of Rowan is tooo cute :) A moment of triumph for the parents, a moment of sadness for Rowan...that is until he finds something else :)

Unknown said...

Oh man, I can't stand that sad face. Gram is going to have to buy him his own cabinet and some pots and pans! : )