Josh and I took the boys to the park today and embarked on the impossible task of getting pictures of them. They both never stop moving and have absolutely no interest in having their picture taken. Thank goodness for digital, take 100s get a few decent ones! They are getting so big. Rowan's vocabulary expands daily and Eli learns something new every day. And together they are TROUBLE!
Also over due... Sweet sweet Eli is 1! As most of you know, Eli was a big surprise. And has continued to surprise us everyday! He is funny and kind. Moves faster than lightening and generously gives out hugs and kisses. He adores his brother and would choose Josh over anyone in the whole world. He has started to walk! Which is really fun and he is so proud of himself. He is the king of the fake cry and has already learned how to get his brother in trouble. He loves to pretend to talk on the phone and loves to share his smashed sticky food with you. And don't even try to fake him out and only pretend to eat it, he's on to you. Rowan made us parents, Eli made us a family and we can't imagine our lives without him. We love you Elison!
Eli checking out the chickens at the county fair. This is the face Eli makes when you tell him to smile. I love it.
A little over due... Rowan rode in the "kids and pets" parade this 4th of July in Old Town. It's by far my favorite parade of the year. Kids on decorated bikes, ridiculous dog outfits, and more participants than spectators. It's fantastic! Eli watched happily and waved his flag. Rowan was a little pokey because he kept getting distracted by everything around him.